Kim Acquarelli
Kim Acquarelli is an incredibly gifted actor and producer based in Los Angeles. She earned her BA in Theater from the California State University, Northridge where she studied the methods of the great Stanislavsky, Adler, Meisner, and Strasberg. She is classically trained in Shakespeare and has had the incredible opportunity of working with many companies dedicated to his work. She has also had the pleasure of training under Larry Moss in NYC and Howard Fine in LA.
Kim’s unique career has included such roles as Ophelia in Hamlet, Denise Savage in Savage in Limbo, and Renee in an all female cast of The Odd Couple. Kim eventually shifted her focus to film and television where she started as a PA on film and television sets. Kim worked in many departments on set, including hair and makeup, camera, and sound. She believes that the best producers need to have a firm grasp of all aspects of filmmaking and knows that utilizing all her talents will keep her at the top of her game. She is also currently in the process of developing a pilot, a feature, and is working with a fellow multi-hyphenate colleague to build a film studio focused on telling stories that take risks.
Kim is so grateful to be a part of Coppola 2 Studios and Acting Institute. John Coppola is incredibly gifted in what he does and has pushed Kim’s acting to the next level. Kim has such a passion for the human condition and believes in telling stories that inspire people to think on a deeper, more connected level. She believes that art can change the world and that there is no better way to do that than through storytelling.